Citizen Science

Fri - Sat 3pm-6pm
Science as a citizenship tool. Citizens as scientific agents. In order to merge and enhance these two elements, the Laboratory of Activities of Tomorrow (LAA), along with the Roberto Marinho Foundation, are offering the project Citizen Science("Ciência Cidadã"), a series of lectures and workshops about themes that have been extending the boundaries of traditional scientific research and preparing citizens for the XXI century by providing them with knowledge.
The Citizen Science workshops are conducted by the LAA staff and the professionals of Olabi, a social enterprise that encourages innovation, creativity, and technology. Opening the series of lectures, the Museum of Tomorrow is offering to the public, this Friday (05/20), a chat with Marcela Sabino (director of the LAA), Eduardo Lopes (director of Olabi), and Gabriela Agustini (entrepreneur associated with Olabi as well). The discussion will try to promote a debate on the appropriation of new technologies by citizens, with scientific practice as its primary goal. What's the relevance of themes such as biohacking and neurohacking within the context of Citizen Science? What do our brainwaves say about us and our environment? What can we control with them?
The schedule of the project includes weekly sessions until July - all of them free. Application is required, and the number of participants is limited to the maximum capacity of the facilities. Check the complete schedule below.
In order to take part in the opening conference of Citizen Science and all the events taking place in May, use the online form to apply.
Workshop 1 - Genomics: extracting DNA from strawberries and your saliva
05/24, Tuesday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
It's possible to better understand the universe through genomics by exploring ordinary materials. During the activity, participants may visualize DNA using low-cost methods.
Workshop 2 - Bioelectronics: playing around with electronics and batteries made out of vegetables (directed to children)
05/27, Friday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Microcontrollers will be activated through brainwave sensors, and participants may interact with the environment, changing the color of the ambient lighting and lamps connected to a piece of fabric.
Discussion 1 - Maker culture and the cities
05/28, Saturday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Workshop 3 - Bioelectronics: how to make a DIY microscope
06/03, Friday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
By using ordinary materials such as a webcam, participants will build an instrument capable of visualizing certain types of microorganisms and revealing the constitution of some of the elements around us.
Workshop 4 - Biodesign: manipulating biologic and "intelligent" fabric
06/10, Friday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Learn about a type of fabric created from bacteria and yeast, and know how to make it wearable by using electronic components and digital commands.
Discussion 2 - Grow your own clothes
06/11, Saturday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Workshop 5 - Bioelectronics: controlling objects with your brainwaves
06/17, Friday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Microcontrollers will be activated through brainwave sensors, and participants may interact with the environment, changing the color of the ambient lighting and lamps connected to a piece of fabric.
Mini Hack the Brain RIO
From 06/24 to 06/26, Friday to Sunday - 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Workshop 6 - Biotecnology: growing microorganisms from nasty stuff (directed to children)
07/01, Friday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
By using an incubator for growing microbiological cultures, participants will understand the basics of microbiology and how this piece of equipment works, all of this inside a "biohackerspace" - a citizen science lab.
Discussion 3 - Low-cost labs
07/02, Saturday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Workshop 7 - Biorobotics: hacking a carnivorous plant
07/05, Tuesday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Workshop 7 - Biorobotics: hacking a carnivorous plant (directed to children)
07/08, Friday - 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Museum of Tomorrow is an Applied Sciences museum which explores the opportunities and challenges which humanity will be forced to tackle in the coming decades from the perspective of sustainability and conviviality. Launched December 2015 by Rio de Janeiro City Hall, Museum of Tomorrow is a Culture asset from Rio's Secretary of Culture currently managed by Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Gestão (IDG). Example of a well-succeeded partnership between public power and private initiative, it has already received over three million visitors since opening. With Santander Bank as a Master Sponsor and a wide network of partner sponsors as Shell, IBM, IRB-Brasil RE, Engie, Grupo Globo and Instituto CCR, the museum was originally conceived by Roberto Marinho Foundation.